
Every other week (even weeks) on Sundays at 5 pm in Michael´s church (Puistok. 16).

Teaching, worship, prayer, Holy Communion, Sunday school and play area for kids. Snacks for everybody after the service.

Welcome 🙂

Mikaelmessu worship services start on Sunday 9th of September. After that every other week in Michael´s church (Puistokatu 16)

What is Mikaelmessu?

”We want to give you a family that changes your world.”

Mikaelmessu is a non-formal Christian worship service that will touch your heart. We welcome you in Michael´s church at Puistokatu 16 every other week on Sunday at 5 pm to worship with us and to be part of our fellowship whatever your language is or where ever you come from, whether you are visiting Turku or living here.

We usually start with up-beat worship music led by Jippu & Mikaelmessu house band. The worship service includes interviews, teaching, prayer ministry, the holy communion and snacks in the end of the service.


Ask the staff or the person at the information desk for a possibility for translation. It is often possible into English. We also often have translation into Persian and Arabic.

For families with children

A PLAY ROOM: We have a play room with a nanny for small children in the back of the church. Parents are welcome too!

SUNDAY SCHOOL: For about 3-7 years old children we provide a possibility to attend Sunday school (in Finnish) during the teaching for adults. Parents are encouraged to join the first time.

Also a fellowship
Mikaelmessu is not just a worship service on Sundays. More important than that we are a fellowship. It means that we also want to help everybody to find a spiritual home and to make friends. We want to give you ”a family” by providing various small groups, where you can explore Christian faith, grow in the knowledge of God, get to know people and make friends. You can ask about the small groups and families at the information desk in every worship service. If the language does not scare you, you are warmly welcome to try any of our Finnish speaking families, and we also run two families especially aimed for international people:

INTERNATIONAL BIBLE FAMILY (now having a break!)

International family has met every other week on Thursdays at 5.30 – 7 pm in the parish house club room but is now having a break. We will inform here when the situation changes.

For more information please mail to:


International Sunday café is for everybody who wants to enjoy coffee, chat and games in international atmosphere. Both people from foreign countries and Finnish people are welcome. We meet in Mikonmökki (Puistokatu 13)every Sunday at 7 pm.

We have a group for Arabic speakers, if you are interested, please contact



  • grow in grace, love and joy
  • learn to know Jesus, faith, prayer and Bible better
  • experience God´s loving care & guidance
  • make friends
  • experience the blessing of commintment
  • get a chance to serve God & people
  • find a new direction for your life

Next Alpha course starts in autumn 2018

Alpha is an international course that runs worlwide and explores the basics of Christian faith. It has ten sessions and a weekend camp. Each meeting includes snacks, music, a short talk and a discussion at the end, where you can share your thoughts. Once a year we run an Alpha course with a possibility for translation into English. It is also a great opportunity to make friends with Finnish people. The next Alpha course starts in September 2018. Registrations/requests: or 040 3417 412

Three core values
All our volunteers and group leaders are expected to commit to the 3 core values of Mikaelmessu-fellowship described below:
luettelotahti Grace

What makes Christianity special among all other religions is grace, but unfortunately many of us have experiences of parishes that are better at judging people than loving them. To Mikaelmessu-fellowship you are always warmly welcome as you are. God accepts everybody without conditions and we are trying to follow His example.

John Burke writes in his book Perfect people not allowed about Gateway church in Texas, where they have tried to take grace seriously and place it in the heart of everything they do. That book is – along with the Bible – a book that defines what grace means for us.

luettelotahti Love

”But the greatest of them is love”   (1 Kor. 13:13)

We want love to be more than empty words. We want to build a fellowship, where we care for each others and offer a helping hand to those who need help.

In fellowship with each others and with God we grow in the knowledge of God and in love. The best place for this are our families, that will welcome you warmly.

luettelotahti Joy

A real experience of grace and love produces joy. In church both adults and children are allowed to have fun. We hope that the  joyful atmosphere is also inviting new people to explore faith and life with us.

In Finnish culture spiritual life is best described with ”funeral atmosphere”. The hyms are played in minor and the looks on the faces are serious. We want to be a protest to ”funeral Christianity”. Therefore every worship service starts with a joke to break the serious culture and prejudices. In Mikaelmessu and in our families you will – and must – also have fun.


Any questions?
We are looking forward to meet you! If you have any questions about anything, don´t hesitate to contact us. Email to: